Comments on: Fresh Strawberry Liqueur Tue, 17 Oct 2023 14:38:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Matsumoto Tue, 03 Nov 2020 12:01:18 +0000 In reply to Jordan.

Good call, I don't live anywhere where I can get Everclear, but the faster you can extract the flavor the better it will taste.

By: Jordan Tue, 03 Nov 2020 09:40:16 +0000 I'm gonna chime in here and recommend that those who do this use everclear (95% abv) for infusions and not vodka, which is usually only 40-50% abv. If everclear is avaliable in your region, it will create a much better infusion and do it much more quickly due to the nature of ethanol at high concentrations.

I recommend for every 1g of everclear weighed after the infusion is finished (after you strain it off of the berries), add 1g of sugar and 2.5ml of water to dilute the infusion to between 15-20% abv. You get much more liqueur this way for your money, which is another plus. I made this with apples and one infusion got me ~ 5 750ml bottles. I only diluted 2 and kept the rest of the concentrate for later use/experiments.

This has produced the best results for me personally as far as recreating fresh fruit flavors goes.

If everclear isn't avaliable near you, the authors method will work well. Just a recommendation to those with the option!

By: Marc Matsumoto Fri, 24 Apr 2020 00:57:59 +0000 In reply to Walter Roban.

Hi Walter, you could certainly use Gin. The reason why I use vodka is because gin has been infused with botanicals which gives it its own flavor. Vodka has not been infused with anything and has no flavor of its own (other than the taste of the ethanol). So if you want to make a strawberry (or lemon) flavored liqueur, Vodka is a more neutral choice. If you want to make a gin and strawberry (or lemon) liqueur you can use gin. By the way, unless you are buying premium gin that's been made in a pot-still (it would most likely be labeled as such), most gin is a high proof neutral spirit (i.e. vodka), that's been infused with botanicals and watered down.

By: Walter Roban Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:34:49 +0000 What about making strawberry liquer or lemoncello with gin instead of vodka? I find gin a milder.

By: Lesley Wed, 29 Apr 2015 20:33:00 +0000 Im going to alter this using an immersion circulator instead of the sitting for 2 days. I made a blood orangecello this way which as amazing and thinknig it would be awesome with fresh strawberries as well.

By: Marc Matsumoto Fri, 24 Apr 2015 01:51:00 +0000 No chamber vac in the kitchen, but I have one in the downstairs closet:-)

By: Jeanne Mizuno Kays Thu, 23 Apr 2015 20:00:00 +0000 Ooh, yet another way to enjoy strawberries! I will definitely try this with berries from my favorite strawberry stand this year. So, do you have a vacuum chamber in your kitchen?? 😉 Thanks!
