Comments on: Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich Fri, 22 Sep 2023 05:08:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Matsumoto Wed, 20 Oct 2021 15:05:04 +0000 In reply to tei.

Hi Tei, thanks for your note! My process for measuring the time to prepare dishes has changed over the years, but since I started doing YouTube videos on a regular basis I log the time based on the raw unedited footage. For example, if I'm washing/peeling/cutting vegetables, and mixing a sauce I'd add all that time up which becomes the "prep time". Likewise the "cook time" includes the duration that the stove is turned on. By the time I record the video I've made the recipe several times before, so I have that as an advantage, but this is why I generally pad the times a bit. For example with this recipe, the recorded prep/cook time was 20 minutes, but I tacked on an extra 5 minutes. Perhaps it's best to think of these numbers as the best case scenario as it's going to depend on a bunch of factors like skill level, the layout of your kitchen, and how fast you work. If you know it typically takes x% longer for you to prepare than the times I give, you could just add that extra time in when planning the meal?

By: tei Tue, 19 Oct 2021 19:17:37 +0000 Hi!
I really like your recipes, but I have a problem/question. We are just a couple who like to make good food, but we have a hard time meeting your time suggestions. It usually takes us three times more time to finish the recipe, and there are two of us doing the work! Esp. the prep time. Could you be more specific what that actually involves? Taking thing of the fridge and the cupboards, cutting and slicing things etc.

(I think this is a general problem of professional food blogs: they have fine tuned the recipe and optimized the process (like in tv cooking shows) but that's not how normal people work.
