Comments on: Best Banana Bread Tue, 17 Oct 2023 20:34:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jin Fri, 06 May 2022 01:42:02 +0000 I love the taste of this but for some reason it always turns out extremely dense for me 🙁 The first time I thought maybe I put in too much banana (4 medium very ripe bananas, almost exact weight as mentioned (for 8 slices) but weighted without the peel).
This time I did everything exactly to measure again but put less banana in than last time. The batter was definitely thicker than it was last time. But- it turned out exactly the same again.

What could it be that I'm doing wrong? I'm careful about the folding as to not overmix the batter. I use a stick blender for the wet ingredients, and I weight the flour in grams and then sift it alongside the other dry ingredients, following the recipe to a T.

Admittedly I'm cursed when it comes to baking, but I wonder if there's something beyond that which I'm doing wrong?

By: Marsha Mon, 30 Sep 2019 17:36:54 +0000 My favorite variation: add a tablespoon or two of mild miso to the batter!
