Comments on: Teriyaki Tofu Sun, 06 Aug 2023 06:20:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Matsumoto Mon, 09 Jan 2023 06:22:11 +0000 In reply to Kathy Stroup.

Yea that could be part of it but I also think a lot of Japanese companies don't understand the US market. Just sent you a long email about knives, hope it helps.

By: Kathy Stroup Mon, 09 Jan 2023 05:25:52 +0000

In reply to Marc Matsumoto.

Probably tailored to "Western" palates. We were just watching you debone a chicken leg at 1/4 speed so that we could examine your knife! Now we know what it would be like if you got really drunk and started cooking!😉😂 I'm getting myself tied up in knots trying to choose a knife, so I'm also driving my husband crazy! I have an email that you sent me months ago explaining what you look for, and that has helped a lot. We're both learning more than we need to know, which is really how my husband entertains himself. Going to have to pick something soon in order to preserve my sanity.

By: Marc Matsumoto Mon, 09 Jan 2023 04:52:06 +0000 In reply to Kathy Stroup.

Thanks Kathy! I agree, although the image of tofu has gotten a little better over the years, its still portrayed as a second rate substitute rather than a 1:1 alternative. I think the other issue is that a lot of tofu available in the US smells very strongly of soybeans, which I personally find off putting. Same goes for soy milk. Kikkoman makes a soy milk here that's super creamy and rich and has almost no soy flavor, but for some reason their Peal brand soy milk in the US doesn't taste as good and they also add sugar and flavorings to it.

By: Kathy Stroup Sun, 08 Jan 2023 18:43:46 +0000

I love the way you wrote this, but I always love your writing. Tofu deserves as much respect and consideration as any other protein. Unfortunately, here in the US, it's gone through a weird "health food" filter, which puts some people off. "It's good for you; it's not supposed to taste good!" Many people were prescribed low cholesterol diets on the false premise that dietary cholesterol was killing them. Who wouldn't resent giving up their beloved burgers and steaks for soy-based alternatives?

It also got co-opted by Hippies, who loaded it with political insinuations. "I don't eat anything that has a face! Tofu is cruelty-free!" Eating tofu does not need to be a political statement.

As you stated, tofu is just another choice. In some dishes I prefer tofu over meat. Some preparations work equally well using either one, so it's just a matter of what's in the fridge. Your recipes make it easy to love tofu and we eat it at least once a week here.
